Monday, January 16, 2012

Home for the Holidays

I know this is completely after the fact, but I have a nine month old, you know?

Perezosos- you know what they say about acorns


Grammie and Aunt Sarah

Dyl's primo Colton

Green Lemonade moustache. If you look closely you can see the red imprint  from the cup he had pressed to his face. So far, he loves his greens!

Ejercicio with Uncle Clint

On the water in Grammie's boat

He was a lot more excited than he looks. He squealed for pretty much the entire ride.

This sums up our attempts at a family photo
*The highlight of the trip for me was watching Dylan at the beach (Thank you "Tia Bert" and "Tio Hobbs" for capturing the moments!) He is definitely a water baby.

This is Mama warning Daddy that baby is getting too close to the surf. "He's fine, he's fine!" says Daddy...

This is Mama comforting baby after he took a tumble, or a roll more literally, in the surf.

Green Lemonade
(I am including this recipe because I made it most mornings while on holiday in FL. This is a variation of Green Lemonade from The Raw Food Detox Diet, and it also happens to be one of my favorite green juices...and Dylan's!)

1 bunch lacinato or dinosaur kale
1 lemon washed, peel intact
1 head crisp celery
1-2 fuji or gala apples
knob of fresh ginger, or to taste
2-3 handfuls fresh spinach
*Push all ingredients through juicer hopper, pour into glass, ENJOY!

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