Friday, January 20, 2012

Good Eats, Good Eater

I am proud to say that so far Dylan eats what Mama and Daddy eat. As of yet, he's not a picky eater.

I brought along some blueberries to the park for him and when I sat the container out on the table open, Dylan lunged for them and relentlessly plunged handful after handful into his mouth, the other mom's mouths dropped open. His current favorite finger food is apparently not usually so popular with the little ones.

He literally licked the bowl clean!

He's 9 months old and he hasn't turned away from a single food item thus far. He loves hummus, sprouted bread, collard greens, garbanzo beans, raspberries, potatoes, avocado, winter and summer squash, pears, steel cut oats, spinach, brown rice, you name it! I guess I shouldn't be so surprised. I lived on all of the above while I was pregnant.

One of the moms in my meetup group proclaimed "My kid screams if I give him anything other than cheese, he'll only eat cheese." I wasn't surprised to hear that, she was nursing what had to be at least 1 liter of soda from a gargantuan Whataburger cup which led me to believe she doesn't make the best dietary choices herself. Children learn what they live folks.

Anyway, in the past couple of weeks he has mastered his pincer grip as well as his begging face. He gobbles up anything we give him, and anything he finds on the ground, or on the bottom of our shoes. While bathing him this morning he went after a bar of cassia clove soap. Yum! Because of his proclivity to eat mud, soap, and the like, I've had to master the crooked finger mouth swipe. Unfortunately, Dylan has learned to keep my finger out of his mouth by clamping his gums together like a crocodile on prey. And when the teeth come? I can't wait for that magic.

This week Dylan has also learned to clap. He does it on command or after we tell him to stop doing something he knows he shouldn't be doing. "Clap! Clap! Clap!" It's amazing to me how similar babies are to dogs.

For instance:
They're usually cute and cuddly, but get near them while they're eating? That's a horse of a different color.

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