Dylan loves to be outside. Loves it. When we ask "Quieres ir afuera?" He runs to the door and looks up at us grunting "eh eh eh" until we let him out. He especially likes carrying sticks and eating dirt. He never fusses when we put green things on his plate. He devours books literally and figuratively. He sometimes talks in his sleep. He has his Daddy's hair and his Mama's cheeks. He can identify his ears, nose, and belly button in both Spanish and English, and wants us to know that we have them too. Especially first thing in the morning, he grabs us by the nose and makes an insistent pig snort until it is reciprocated to his satisfaction. He spends every waking moment with Mama but his facial expressions lend that there's a special place in his heart for Daddy. He shares dad's passion for music. He stomps on the piano keys, bangs his head to any melodic sound, including car horns, wails on the harmonica, and even knows that a guitar pick is for strumming. He is stubborn like his mom. He knows what he wants and he won't take "no" for an answer. He runs from us, giddy, when we enter the room even if we aren't chasing after him. He can walk well in shoes but prefers to be barefoot. He can eat from a spoon and drink from a cup, just try and stop him. Dylan is one year old today, and although he is no longer an infant, he'll always be my baby.