Wednesday, December 7, 2011

New Friends, New Habits

We've been keeping pretty busy as of late. Play dates, learning new skills, and mastering old ones.

Dylan's first playgroup was an immense success. He played mostly with a girl named Mia who is two hours his senior. She wouldn't let him go. She maintained a death grip on his sleeve for an impressive amount of time. When he could manage to get away from her he seemed positively content to observe  the older boys shenanigans. He gazed fearlessly at them while they climbed on chairs, under the table, and came dangerously close to trampling over him on at least two occasions. He was so tired when it was time to leave that he passed out in the car less than two minutes after his head hit the car seat.

In other news, his favorite things this week are the shower and the washer and dryer. When either of us is in the shower, Dylan will pull himself up on the tub and snatch the curtain back. He's happy to observe for the duration of our bathing. When the door to the laundry room is ajar he lets himself in and methodically removes every single item of clothing from the dryer one piece at a time.

Not two hours ago, my efforts to rock Dylan to sleep were thwarted when he discovered that he could make a hilarious sound by blowing his mouth on my shoulder. His first "raspberry," as it were, elicited howling laughter and the wakefulness of a baby emerging from a restful sleep.




Evading diaper changes in exchange for doing chores

Being a menace

Pillow fights


And of course deconstructing